Mon Français

The French Present Participle (Le Participe Présent)

Français Русский پښتو


The French present participle (le participe présent) is an invariable verb form that expresses an action in progress. It's similar to the English "-ing" form but used less frequently and in different contexts.

Forming the Present Participle

To form the present participle in French:

  1. Take the "nous" form of the present indicative
  2. Remove the "-ons" ending
  3. Add the ending "-ant"


Infinitive"Nous" formPresent ParticipleEnglish equivalent
Parler (to speak)Nous parlonsParlantSpeaking
Finir (to finish)Nous finissonsFinissantFinishing
Prendre (to take)Nous prenonsPrenantTaking

Uses of the Present Participle

The French present participle is used differently from the English "-ing" form:

  1. To express simultaneity:

    Ex: Elle chante en dansant. (She sings while dancing.)

    Note: "en + present participle" is equivalent to "while + -ing" in English.

  2. To replace a relative clause:

    Ex: Les enfants jouant dans le parc sont mes neveux. (The children playing in the park are my nephews.)

    Note: This usage is more formal in French than in English.

  3. To express a cause:

    Ex: Ayant fini son travail, il est rentré chez lui. (Having finished his work, he went home.)

    Note: This is similar to the perfect participle in English.

Particularities and Exceptions

Some verbs have irregular present participles:

  • Être (to be) → Étant
  • Avoir (to have) → Ayant
  • Savoir (to know) → Sachant

Unlike in English, the French present participle is invariable: it doesn't change for gender or number.


While the French present participle may seem similar to the English "-ing" form, its usage is more limited and formal. Understanding these differences will help you use it correctly and enrich your French expression.

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