Mon Français

The Past Participle in French

Français Русский پښتو


The past participle is a verb form that expresses the resulting state of a completed action. It is essential to master this French grammar concept, as the past participle has many uses, particularly with the auxiliary verbs "avoir" (to have) and "être" (to be).

Formation of the Past Participle

The past participle is generally formed by adding a suffix to the verb stem. The main suffixes are:

  • : parler → parlé, manger → mangé
  • -i: finir → fini, choisir → choisi
  • -u: boire → bu, recevoir → reçu
  • -it: dire → dit, écrire → écrit
  • -is: prendre → pris, mettre → mis
  • -ert: ouvrir → ouvert, offrir → offert

Some verbs have irregular past participle forms, such as aller → allé, voir → vu, and faire → fait.


Here are some examples of sentences using the past participle:

  • J'ai mangé un gâteau. (I have eaten a cake.)
  • Elle est partie en vacances. (She has gone on vacation.)
  • Nous avons choisi un beau cadeau. (We have chosen a beautiful gift.)
  • Ils se sont battus pendant la récréation. (They have fought during recess.)

Usage with the Auxiliary Verbs "avoir" and "être"

When used with the auxiliary verb "avoir" (to have), the past participle agrees in gender and number with the direct object (DO) only if the DO is placed before the verb:

  • J'ai lu le livre. (I have read the book. - DO after the verb, no agreement)
  • Je les ai lus. (I have read them. - DO before the verb, masculine plural agreement)
  • Elle a acheté des fleurs. (She has bought flowers. - DO after the verb, no agreement)
  • Elle les a achetées. (She has bought them. - DO before the verb, feminine plural agreement)
  • Les fleurs que j'ai achetées. (The flowers that I have bought. - DO before the verb, feminine plural agreement)

Why Use the Auxiliary "être"?

With the auxiliary verb "être" (to be), the past participle always agrees in gender and number with the subject of the verb:

  • Il est parti. (He has left. - Masculine singular)
  • Elles sont arrivées. (They (f.) have arrived. - Feminine plural)

Some pronominal verbs (e.g., se laver, s'enfuir) use the auxiliary "être" instead of "avoir":

  • Elle s'est lavée. (She has washed herself. - Agreement with the subject)
  • Ils se sont enfuis. (They have escaped. - Agreement with the subject)

Rules for Using the Auxiliary "être"

1. Movement verbs:

These are verbs that indicate a displacement or change of position.

  • - partir (to leave): Luc et Marie sont partis en vacances. (Luc and Marie have gone on vacation.)
  • - monter (to go up): Ils sont montés dans le funiculaire. (They have gone up in the funicular.)
  • - descendre (to go down): Ils sont descendus vers le centre-ville. (They have gone down to the city center.)

2. Verbs indicating a change of state:

These verbs express a change in the state of the person or object.

  • - tomber (to fall): Marie est tombée amoureuse de la ville. (Marie has fallen in love with the city.)
  • - devenir (to become): Il est devenu muet. (He has become mute.)

3. Intransitive (no direct object) verbs of passage:

  • - passer (to pass): Ils sont passés par un petit café. (They have passed through a small café.)
  • - entrer (to enter): Elle est entrée dans la maison. (She has entered the house.)


The past participle used alone (without an auxiliary) agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies:

  • Des fleurs cueillies dans le jardin. (Flowers picked in the garden.)
  • Un gâteau préparé avec soin. (A cake prepared with care.)


The past participle is an essential concept in French grammar. Its formation, agreement, and uses with the auxiliary verbs "avoir" and "être" must be well-mastered. Although there are many exceptions, they can be learned gradually. Exercises will help you practice and reinforce this grammatical skill.

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