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Present Tense of Group 2 and 3 Verbs in French

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The present tense (le présent de l'indicatif) is a fundamental tense in French. After covering group 1 verbs, we'll now focus on conjugating group 2 and 3 verbs in the present tense.

Group 2 Verbs

All group 2 verbs end in -ir and are conjugated the same way in the present tense.

Conjugation Rule

Remove the -ir ending from the infinitive and add: -is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, -issent

Example with the verb "finir" (to finish)

JefinisI finish
TufinisYou finish (singular/informal)
Il/Elle/OnfinitHe/She/One finishes
NousfinissonsWe finish
VousfinissezYou finish (plural/formal)
Ils/EllesfinissentThey finish

Other group 2 verbs: choisir (to choose), réfléchir (to reflect), grandir (to grow), obéir (to obey)

Group 3 Verbs

Group 3 verbs are the most irregular. They can end in -ir, -oir, -re, or -dre.

Some common group 3 verbs

Faire (to do/make)faisfaisfaitfaisonsfaitesfont
Aller (to go)vaisvasvaallonsallezvont
Prendre (to take)prendsprendsprendprenonsprenezprennent
Voir (to see)voisvoisvoitvoyonsvoyezvoient
Vouloir (to want)veuxveuxveutvoulonsvoulezveulent

Important Irregular Verbs

Some very frequent verbs have particular conjugations:

Être (to be)suisesestsommesêtessont
Avoir (to have)aiasaavonsavezont

Key Points

  • All group 2 verbs follow the same conjugation pattern.
  • Group 3 verbs are irregular and must be learned individually.
  • Some verbs change their stem in conjugation (e.g., aller → je vais).
  • Regular practice is essential to master these conjugations.


Conjugate the following verbs in the present tense:

  1. Choisir (Nous _____) [to choose]
  2. Prendre (Tu _____) [to take]
  3. Voir (Ils _____) [to see]
  4. Être (Vous _____) [to be]

Answers: 1. choisissons, 2. prends, 3. voient, 4. êtes


Mastering group 2 and 3 verbs in the present tense is crucial for expressing yourself correctly in French. Although some verbs are irregular, regular practice will allow you to use them with ease in your daily conversations.

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