Mon Français

The Passé Simple (Simple Past) in French

Français Русский پښتو


The passé simple is a past tense in French primarily used in written narratives and literature. It expresses a completed action in the past without any connection to the present. While less common in spoken language, understanding it is essential for reading literary texts.

Formation of the Passé Simple

The formation of the passé simple varies depending on the verb group:

1. First Group Verbs (-er)

Stem + endings: -ai, -as, -a, -âmes, -âtes, -èrent

Example: parler (to speak) → je parlai, tu parlas, il/elle parla, nous parlâmes, vous parlâtes, ils/elles parlèrent

2. Second Group Verbs (-ir)

Stem + endings: -is, -is, -it, -îmes, -îtes, -irent

Example: finir (to finish) → je finis, tu finis, il/elle finit, nous finîmes, vous finîtes, ils/elles finirent

3. Third Group Verbs

Third group verbs are irregular and have different forms:

  • Verbs ending in -re: -is, -is, -it, -îmes, -îtes, -irent
  • Verbs ending in -oir: -us, -us, -ut, -ûmes, -ûtes, -urent
  • Some verbs have irregular stems

Conjugation Examples

1st groupChanter (to sing)Je chantai
tu chantas
il/elle chanta
nous chantâmes
vous chantâtes
ils/elles chantèrent
2nd groupChoisir (to choose)Je choisis
tu choisis
il/elle choisit
nous choisîmes
vous choisîtes
ils/elles choisirent
3rd groupPrendre (to take)Je pris
tu pris
il/elle prit
nous prîmes
vous prîtes
ils/elles prirent
3rd groupVoir (to see)Je vis
tu vis
il/elle vit
nous vîmes
vous vîtes
ils/elles virent

Common Irregular Verbs

Some frequently used verbs have irregular forms in the passé simple:

Être (to be)je fus
tu fus
il/elle fut
nous fûmes
vous fûtes
ils/elles furent
Avoir (to have)j'eus
tu eus
il/elle eut
nous eûmes
vous eûtes
ils/elles eurent
Faire (to do/make)je fis
tu fis
il/elle fit
nous fîmes
vous fîtes
ils/elles firent
Aller (to go)j'allai
tu allas
il/elle alla
nous allâmes
vous allâtes
ils/elles allèrent

Usage of the Passé Simple

The passé simple is mainly used:

  • In literature and historical narratives
  • To express punctual and completed actions in the past
  • In sequences of successive actions

Example: Il entra dans la pièce, regarda autour de lui et s'assit sur le fauteuil. (He entered the room, looked around, and sat down on the armchair.)

Key Points

  • The passé simple is rarely used in spoken modern French
  • It's often replaced by the passé composé in everyday language
  • Mastering it is important for understanding literary texts
  • The endings vary depending on the verb group and can be complex for irregular verbs


Conjugate the following verbs in the passé simple:

  1. Parler (Elle _____) (She spoke)
  2. Finir (Nous _____) (We finished)
  3. Prendre (Ils _____) (They took)
  4. Voir (Tu _____) (You saw)

Answers: 1. parla, 2. finîmes, 3. prirent, 4. vis


The passé simple is an important tense in French, especially for understanding literary texts. Although its formation may seem complex, with practice and reading, you will become more comfortable with its use and recognition.

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