The Imperfect Tense for Group I Verbs
The imperfect tense (l'imparfait) is a past tense used to describe habitual actions, ongoing situations, or states in the past. It's particularly simple to form for first group verbs (those ending in -er in the infinitive).
Forming the Imperfect Tense
To conjugate a first group verb in the imperfect tense, follow these steps:
- Take the "nous" form of the present indicative
- Remove the "-ons" ending
- Add the imperfect endings: -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient
Subject Pronoun | Ending | Example with "parler" (to speak) |
Je (I) | -ais | Je parlais |
Tu (You, singular informal) | -ais | Tu parlais |
Il/Elle/On (He/She/One) | -ait | Il/Elle/On parlait |
Nous (We) | -ions | Nous parlions |
Vous (You, plural or formal) | -iez | Vous parliez |
Ils/Elles (They) | -aient | Ils/Elles parlaient |
Examples of First Group Verbs in the Imperfect
- Aimer (to like/love): J'aimais, tu aimais, il/elle aimait, nous aimions, vous aimiez, ils/elles aimaient
- Chanter (to sing): Je chantais, tu chantais, il/elle chantait, nous chantions, vous chantiez, ils/elles chantaient
- Danser (to dance): Je dansais, tu dansais, il/elle dansait, nous dansions, vous dansiez, ils/elles dansaient
Uses of the Imperfect
The imperfect is used to:
- Describe habits or repeated actions in the past:
Example: Quand j'étais petit, je jouais souvent au football.
(When I was little, I often played football.) - Describe a state or continuous situation in the past:
Example: Il faisait beau ce jour-là.
(It was a beautiful day that day.) - Describe ongoing actions in the past:
Example: Pendant que je cuisinais, le téléphone a sonné.
(While I was cooking, the phone rang.)
Special Cases
As in the present tense, some first group verbs have spelling particularities in the imperfect:
- Verbs ending in -ger keep the "e" after the "g" to maintain the soft "j" sound:
Example: manger (to eat) → je mangeais - Verbs ending in -cer take a cedilla under the "c" before "a" to keep the soft "s" sound:
Example: commencer (to begin) → je commençais
Conjugate the following verbs in the imperfect tense:
- Je (parler) _______ français tous les jours./ I speak French every day.
- Tu (aimer) _______ beaucoup la musique classique./ You like classical music very much.
- Il (jouer) _______ au football chaque weekend./ He plays football every weekend.
- Nous (étudier) _______ la grammaire française./ We study French grammar.
- Vous (manger) _______ souvent au restaurant./ You eat at the restaurant often.
- Elles (danser) _______ tous les samedis soir./ They dance every Saturday night
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