Mon Français

French Articles

fr Pashto Русский


In French, articles are words that precede nouns to indicate their gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural). There are two main types of articles: definite articles and indefinite articles.

Definite Articles

Definite articles are used to talk about something specific or already mentioned.

  • le: masculine singular (e.g., le livre - the book)
  • la: feminine singular (e.g., la table - the table)
  • l': masculine or feminine singular before a vowel or silent h (e.g., l'arbre - the tree, l'heure - the hour)
  • les: plural for both masculine and feminine (e.g., les chats - the cats, les fleurs - the flowers)

Indefinite Articles

Indefinite articles are used to talk about something general or mentioned for the first time.

  • un: masculine singular (e.g., un livre - a book)
  • une: feminine singular (e.g., une table - a table)
  • des: plural for both masculine and feminine (e.g., des chats - some cats, des fleurs - some flowers)


Definite Article Indefinite Article Example
Le Un Le chat est noir. (The cat is black.) / J'ai vu un chat. (I saw a cat.)
La Une La maison est grande. (The house is big.) / J'habite dans une maison. (I live in a house.)
Les Des Les enfants jouent. (The children are playing.) / Il y a des enfants dans le parc. (There are some children in the park.)


Complete the following sentences with the appropriate article:

  1. J'ai acheté _____ livre intéressant. (I bought an interesting book.)
  2. _____ soleil brille aujourd'hui. (The sun is shining today.)
  3. Il y a _____ oiseaux dans _____ arbre. (There are some birds in the tree.)
  4. _____ femme que j'ai rencontrée hier est médecin. (The woman I met yesterday is a doctor.)
  5. Nous avons visité _____ musée célèbre. (We visited a famous museum.)

(Answers will be discussed in class)

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