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Supermarket Vocabulary in French

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Supermarket Sections

French English Description
Le rayon fruits et légumes Fruit and vegetable section Where fresh produce is found
Le rayon boulangerie Bakery section For bread and pastries
Le rayon boucherie Butcher's section For meat
Le rayon poissonnerie Fish section For fish and seafood
Le rayon produits laitiers Dairy section For milk, cheese, yogurts
Le rayon surgelés Frozen food section For frozen foods
Le rayon épicerie Grocery section For canned goods, pasta, rice, etc.
Le rayon boissons Beverage section For water, sodas, juices
Le rayon hygiène Personal care section For toiletries
Le rayon charcuterie Deli section For sausages, hams, pâtés
Le rayon bio Organic section For organic products
Le rayon animalerie Pet section For pet food and accessories
Le rayon beauté Beauty section For cosmetics and beauty products
Le rayon ménage Household section For cleaning products

Supermarket sections

Common Products

French English Category
Une baguette A baguette Bakery
Un steak A steak Butcher's
Du saumon Salmon Fish
Un camembert A camembert Dairy
Des carottes Carrots Fruit and vegetables
Une pizza surgelée A frozen pizza Frozen food
Des pâtes Pasta Grocery
Une bouteille d'eau A bottle of water Beverages
Du dentifrice Toothpaste Personal care
Du jambon Ham Deli
Des œufs bio Organic eggs Organic
Des croquettes pour chat Cat food Pet
Un shampoing Shampoo Beauty
De la lessive Laundry detergent Household
Du chocolat Chocolate Confectionery

Common supermarket products

Supermarket Professions

French English Description
Le/La caissier(ère) Cashier Records purchases and handles payments
Le/La boucher(ère) Butcher Prepares and sells meat
Le/La poissonnier(ère) Fishmonger Prepares and sells fish
Le/La boulanger(ère) Baker Prepares and sells bread
Le/La manutentionnaire Stock clerk Moves and arranges merchandise
Le/La responsable de rayon Section manager Manages a specific section
Le/La directeur(trice) du magasin Store manager Oversees the entire supermarket
Le/La charcutier(ère) Delicatessen worker Prepares and sells deli products
Le/La fromager(ère) Cheese specialist Advises on cheeses and prepares them
Le/La primeur(e) Greengrocer Manages the fruit and vegetable section
L'agent(e) de sécurité Security guard Ensures security in the store
Le/La chef(fe) de caisse Head cashier Supervises the cashier team

Supermarket professions


Complete the sentences with the correct French word:

  1. Je vais acheter du pain au rayon _______. / I'm going to buy bread in the _______ section.
  2. Pour trouver des légumes frais, je me dirige vers le rayon _______. / To find fresh vegetables, I go to the _______ section.
  3. Le _______ prépare les steaks au rayon boucherie. / The _______ prepares steaks in the butcher's section.
  4. J'ai besoin de pâtes, je vais donc au rayon _______. / I need pasta, so I'm going to the _______ section.
  5. La personne qui enregistre mes achats s'appelle le/la _______. / The person who records my purchases is called the _______.
  6. Pour acheter du saumon, je vais au rayon _______./ To buy salmon, I go to the _______ section.
  7. L' _______ s'occupe de la sécurité du magasin./ The _______ takes care of the store's security.
  8. Je cherche des croquettes pour mon chat dans le rayon _______./ I'm looking for cat food in the _______ section.

Answers: 1. boulangerie, 2. fruits et légumes, 3. boucher, 4. épicerie, 5. caissier/caissière, 6. poissonnerie, 7. agent de sécurité, 8. animalerie

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