House Vocabulary in French
Rooms and House Layout
French Term | English Translation | Description |
Le salon | The living room | Main room for relaxing and receiving guests |
La cuisine | The kitchen | Place where meals are prepared |
La chambre | The bedroom | Room for sleeping |
La salle de bains | The bathroom | Room with shower or bathtub |
Les toilettes | The toilet | Small room with WC |
Le couloir | The hallway | Passage connecting rooms |
Le grenier | The attic | Space under the roof, often used for storage |
La cave | The cellar | Underground room for storage |
Le garage | The garage | Place to park the car |
La terrasse | The terrace | Outdoor living space |
Construction and House Elements
French Term | English Translation | Description |
Les fondations | The foundations | Solid base on which the house rests |
Les murs | The walls | Vertical structures that define rooms |
Le toit | The roof | Upper part that protects the house |
Les fenêtres | The windows | Glass openings for light and ventilation |
Les portes | The doors | Openings to enter and exit rooms |
L'escalier | The staircase | Structure for going up or down floors |
Le plancher | The floor | Surface on which one walks inside |
Le plafond | The ceiling | Surface above one's head in a room |
L'isolation | The insulation | Materials to protect from cold and noise |
La cheminée | The fireplace | Structure for making fire inside |
House Maintenance
French Term | English Translation | Description |
Le ménage | Housekeeping | Regular cleaning of the house |
La réparation | The repair | Action of fixing what is broken |
La peinture | Painting | Action of covering walls with color |
Le bricolage | DIY (Do It Yourself) | Small maintenance or improvement works |
La plomberie | Plumbing | Maintenance of pipes and water installations |
L'électricité | Electricity | Maintenance of electrical installations |
Le jardinage | Gardening | Maintenance of green spaces around the house |
La décoration | Decoration | Action of embellishing the interior of the house |
Le rangement | Tidying up | Action of putting things in order in the house |
L'aération | Ventilation | Action of renewing the air in the house |
Complétez les phrases avec le bon mot :
- La pièce où l'on prépare les repas s'appelle _______. (The room where meals are prepared is called ......)
- Le _______ est l'endroit où l'on gare la voiture. (..... is where you park the car.)
- Les _______ sont la base solide sur laquelle repose la maison. (...... are the solid base on which the house rests.)
- L'action de nettoyer régulièrement la maison s'appelle _______. (The action of regularly cleaning the house is called ......)
- L'_______ est la structure qui permet de monter ou descendre les étages. (..... is the structure that allows you to go up or down floors.)
- Le _______ est l'espace sous le toit, souvent utilisé pour le stockage. (...... is the space under the roof, often used for storage.)
- L'entretien des tuyaux et des installations d'eau s'appelle _______. (Maintenance of pipes and water installations is called ........)
- La _______ est l'action d'embellir l'intérieur de la maison. (........ is the action of embellishing the interior of the house.)
Identifiez les objets de la maison d'après les descriptions fournies.
- Objet sur lequel vous dormez (lit, chaise, table)
- Appareil qui garde les aliments au frais (réfrigérateur, four, lave-vaisselle)
- Pièce où vous préparez à manger (cuisine, salle de bain, salon)
- Objet que vous utilisez pour vous asseoir (canapé, étagère, lampe)
- Endroit où vous lavez votre corps (douche, placard, fenêtre)
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