Mon Français

First Group Verbs in Present Tense

Français Pashto Русский


First group verbs in French are verbs whose infinitive ends in -er (except the verb "aller"). These are the most numerous and regular verbs in French.

Conjugation in the Present Indicative

To conjugate a first group verb, remove the -er ending from the infinitive to get the stem, then add the appropriate endings.

Pronoun Ending Example with "parler" (to speak)
Je (I) -e Je parle
Tu (You, singular informal) -es Tu parles
Il/Elle/On (He/She/One) -e Il/Elle/On parle
Nous (We) -ons Nous parlons
Vous (You, plural or formal) -ez Vous parlez
Ils/Elles (They) -ent Ils/Elles parlent

Examples of First Group Verbs

  • Aimer (to like/love): J'aime, tu aimes, il/elle aime, nous aimons, vous aimez, ils/elles aiment
  • Chanter (to sing): Je chante, tu chantes, il/elle chante, nous chantons, vous chantez, ils/elles chantent
  • Danser (to dance): Je danse, tu danses, il/elle danse, nous dansons, vous dansez, ils/elles dansent

Special Cases

Some first group verbs have spelling particularities:

  • Verbs ending in -ger add an "e" after the "g" before "a" and "o" to keep the soft "g" sound (e.g., manger → nous mangeons)
  • Verbs ending in -cer add a cedilla under the "c" before "a" and "o" to keep the "s" sound (e.g., commencer → nous commençons)
  • Verbs ending in -yer change "y" to "i" before a silent "e" (e.g., nettoyer → je nettoie, tu nettoies, il/elle nettoie)


Conjugate the following verbs in the present indicative:

  1. Je (parler) _______ français. (I speak French.)
  2. Tu (aimer) _______ la musique. (You like music.)
  3. Il (jouer) _______ au football. (He plays football.)
  4. Nous (étudier) _______ la grammaire. (We study grammar.)
  5. Vous (manger) _______ au restaurant. (You eat at the restaurant.)
  6. Elles (danser) _______ très bien. (They dance very well.)

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